Summer Camp

For Children of Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Members, Gaming Enterprise and Tribal Operations team members, 6 – 12 Years of Age

Summer Camp Enrollment Begins March 17

Summer Camp Starts June 9

Playworks Summer Camp is a high-quality recreational program that provides a safe and nurturing environment that promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. It provides hands-on, child-directed, and meaningful experiences through classroom interest centers, outdoor play, field trips to educational and recreational sites, and in-house educational and entertainment programs. Playworks Summer Camp is for students who have completed kindergarten.


Submit an application to join the Playworks Family here.

Playworks will contact you with next steps once your application is submitted.

Summer Camp Groups

Students participating in the Summer Camp program will be divided into five (5) groups: Wolves, Penguins, Tigers, Falcons, and Pelicans.

The Wolf group is reserved for students in grades 5-7, offering a personalized experience for our older students. Wolf group students participate in more field trips during Summer Camp and have unique field trip opportunities.

The Penguin, Tiger, Falcon, and Pelican groups are mixed age groups designed by Summer Camp staff. These groups have 2-3 field trips each week and fun planned activities onsite.

All groups participate in education tours of SMSC Departments including Mdewakanton Public Safety, Hoċokata Ṫi, and more! They also participate in collaborative activities with the SMSC Land Department.

Summer Camp Information

What to Bring to Camp

Your student will need to bring the following items from home:

  • A backpack or bag for swim clothes & towel on days when there are field trips to beaches or pools.
  • Tennis shoes for gym and outside play; black-soled shoes are not allowed in the Dakotah! Sport and Fitness Gym; open-toed shoes and sandals or shoes that slip on and off are not recommended for field trips and outside play.
  • Students must have socks to play in the Atrium.
  • It is a good idea to keep a complete set of extra clothing at Playworks in a backpack in your student’s locker in case your student needs to change.

We would like to remind you that the most valuable learning activities are sometimes messy. We recommend that you consider this when dressing your student for the day.

Please make sure everything you bring to Playworks is labeled with your student’s first and last name. Playworks is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Spending Money

Students are allowed to bring spending money on summer camp field trips. This is optional and students are not guaranteed the opportunity to spend money. Students are responsible for their own money. Playworks is not responsible for any lost or stolen money.

Items Not to Bring to Camp

  • Our policy requires that items such as movies, tablets, cell phones, iPads, iPods, trading cards, candy, and gum be kept at home to prevent any problems that might occur.
  • If a device is brought in, it will be kept in a secure basket at the Playworks LINK Event Center front desk and returned to the student’s parent/guardian at the end of the day. Every group leader and bus driver has a phone to use if a parent/guardian needs to talk with their student.
  • Any weapons or items that can be used as a weapon are strictly forbidden at Playworks and on Playworks buses. These items are subject to the Playworks Director’s discretion. Possession of these items can result in immediate termination from Playworks.
    Toy swords, knives, squirt guns, toy guns, or any item that can be a threat to others are not allowed.

Exclusions From Field Trips

Students may be excluded from field trips if their behavior creates a safety issue. Families will be notified in advance and a conference with the Summer Camp Supervisor will be set up if a student is going to be excluded from a field trip due to behavior.

Alternative Field Trips

The following is a list of activities that may be substituted for a field trip that has been canceled due to weather or other circumstances:

  • Dakotah! Sport and Fitness
  • Lakeville Movie Theater
  • Skateville


All medication brought to Playworks needs to be in its original prescription bottle, have a current date, and be accompanied by a completed medication permission form. This form must contain a parent/guardian signature. Forms are available for completion at the LINK desk. Over-the-counter, non-prescription medication is not permitted unless prescribed by a physician and accompanied by a physician-signed medication permission form. Please note that all medication needs to be turned in to teachers and stored in a locked medication box. If medication needs to be taken on a field trip, the camp leader will bring the medication with them and verify the student takes it.

Bug Deterrents

If you wish to provide bug deterrent tools for your student, label the container with your student’s first and last name and give it to your student’s leader. A topical permission form must be filled out before teachers can apply deterrents. No aerosol bottles are allowed at Playworks. Playworks leaders will assist students in application. Bug deterrents are to be kept with teachers when not in use.

Sign In and Out

It is necessary for parents to sign in and sign out a the LINK desk each day. Let teachers know that you have arrived and use this time to inform them of any special instructions concerning your student (i.e. medication, special pick-up instructions, etc.). We encourage parents to escort their student(s) up and down the stairs to the classroom. For safety reasons, your student(s) need to use walking feet in the school-age areas.

Sunscreen Recommendations

Summer Camp leaders will help students apply sunscreen before leaving on a field trip and again every two hours during outdoor trips. If your student burns easily, we recommend that you apply sunscreen at home so that you are sure they have adequate coverage. Students are required to wear their field trip t-shirts when they are swimming to protect them from too much sun exposure. A cap or visor, along with a water bottle, is also a great way to protect your student from the sun and heat.

You may bring in your own sunscreen in a zip-close bag with your student’s name on it. Aerosol sunscreen is prohibited, and students cannot share sunscreen. Topical authorization forms are required for your student to bring their own sunscreen. These are available at the LINK desk.

Sunscreen is to be kept by teachers when not in use.

Social Media

  • Social media use is not permitted at Playworks.
  • Any inappropriate social media posts inside Playworks will be handled by the Director. Playworks is not responsible for social media posts made outside of Playworks.